A semiótica do herói
A conflagração do caminho ascendente de Son Goku
semiótica, herói; Goku.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the semiotic production of the hero in the character Goku of Dragon Ball. To this end, we will also make use of the Jungian conceptualization of archetype, which, in turn, supports the four points of the basic needs of archetypal constitution on which we will employ semiotic analysis to understand the valence of the main traits inherent in Goku's action. The conflagration of Goku's ascending path brings with it an adventure whose effects will necessarily be perceived in the semiosis configuration of his sense composition. From this perspective, in a secondary way, we also seek to understand how semiotics carries its own potential for actualization. Therefore, in this combination of knowledge, we aim to know both the interiority of the semiosis present in the narrative of this actor and its performance relationship with the exteriority of the collective unconscious.
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