Um estudo da contradição biopolítica e a pluralidade da psique humana


  • Camila Ribeiro Castro Soares Unicamp/UFT


In this study two areas of knowledge subsidized us to understand and analyze the scenario extracted from a social network that served as a starting point for this theoretical exercise. The publication of the social network evidenced a phenomenon that permeates the paradigmatic, controversial and dissociative character present in contemporary times. Through the biopolitical approach, we evaluate how the mode of political government in modern society takes care of life itself in its varied instances, either by the behavior of individuals or the expression of bodies or even through the regulation of the population. With Analytical Psychology we reached a deepening that allowed us to understand how the person, undifferentiated from the collective, unconsciously neglects the plurality of opposing psychic forces that constitute himself, projecting in the world what it still cannot sustain in himself. Considering the path we have taken, we find that the articulation between the theories of biopolitics and Analytical Psychology in our text has promoted a complementation of reflections in areas that one explores with more property than the other.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro Castro Soares, C. (2020). Um estudo da contradição biopolítica e a pluralidade da psique humana. Porto Das Letras, 6(especial), 96–112. Retrieved from



Metalinguagens: língua, ensino e sociedade