necessary dead of some to expand the lives of others:

biopolitics and tanatopolitics in Cadáver Exquisito, by Agustina Bazterrica


  • Kelly Luciana Bueno Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA)


Cadáver Exquisito; biopolitics; tanatopolitics.


In the dystopian novel Cadáver Exquisito, by Argentine write Agustina Bazterrica, a virus affects all species of animals on the planet. According to the government, the virus is lethal to the humans and, for this reason, most animals are sacrificed to avoid the contagion. Humanity is unable to consume animal protein; doctors say that vegetable protein is insufficient for the population; theories appear that the virus is a lie and cases of cannibalism happen in different parts of the world. In the face of mass hysteria, the government decides, as a way to restore the social order, legalize the consume of human flesh. In view of this narrative context, the objective of the work is to investigate elements of biopolitics and tanatopolitics in the novel and to understand how a policy focused in the life can, in some instances, become a policy that also decides on the death of the individuals.


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How to Cite

Bueno, K. L. (2021). necessary dead of some to expand the lives of others:: biopolitics and tanatopolitics in Cadáver Exquisito, by Agustina Bazterrica. Porto Das Letras, 7(1), 257–272. Retrieved from