Reflections about the phenomena of language: the treatment that the school gives to the linguistic variety of the elementary school students of the peripheral public schools


  • Laila Silva Feitosa Universidade Estadual da Região Tocantina do Maranhão


Sociolinguistics; variety; public school.


This research investigates the phenomena that occur in the orality of eighth and ninth grade students from a peripheral public school in the municipality of Imperatriz - Maranhão; analyzes whether when the student reads transfers marks of orality to the reading or has a monitored reading and is faithful to what is written. It also analyzes how the linguistic variety in the classroom is treated and the attitude of the teacher and students in relation to the linguistic variation present in the school environment. The research shows the most frequent orality traits in reading the students who were observed. When the student understands the language aspects more, he can improve on all curriculum components. He will better master the use of the cultured mode of speech and writing and will be more faithful to what is written when reading. This study is considered relevant because the official legislation concerning language teaching in basic education shows the need to reflect on the phenomena of language, especially those related to the question of linguistic variety and variation. To support the research, we sought theorists such as Labov (1972/2008); Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, 2005, 2006); Bagno (2002, 2003, 2007, 2012, 2013), interallia and, data from INEP / MEC


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How to Cite

Feitosa, L. S. (2020). Reflections about the phenomena of language: the treatment that the school gives to the linguistic variety of the elementary school students of the peripheral public schools. Porto Das Letras, 6(especial), 182–196. Retrieved from



Metalinguagens: língua, ensino e sociedade