
  • Gisele Krama Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Mulher; Violência; Dor.


This article aims to analyze the book A Confissão da Leoa of mozambican author Mia Couto in aspects that lead to the construction of the female characters in the narrative. They are processes of pain, violence, loneliness and silencing. We will address, in addition to these aspects, the transformation of women's bodies because of violence, especially the central character Mariamar. We want to understand how the relationship of the characters with reality and the search for strength in elements of nature to make their bodies stronger. We will use here concepts such as Haraway's cyborg and the post-human’s Braidotti.


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How to Cite

Krama, G. (2019). OF A WOMAN LEONE: PAIN TRANSFORMING BODIES. Porto Das Letras, 5(3), 117–128. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/7466