The present work is the result of research carried out by the Program of Scientific Initiative with Stock Exchange (PIBIC) financed by the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) and by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in the year 2016 to 2017. The research is bibliographical of interpretative nature, and in search of gender representations, based on the theory and psychoanalysis of gender studies. In this sense, it is one of the initiatives of subjectivity and gender through an analysis of Orlando, main character of the work, with due relevance to gender issues, being presented as representations of subjectivity. A. It is an application conducted through the analysis of a data set on the practice of computing with a subjectivity and gender in the characterization of said character. In the first place Orlando is represented as subject that assumes the social configurations of the patriarchy. However, it goes through a process of transformation and becomes a woman, and therefore, when it is represented in the work, by the biological and prejudiced marker (rules of femininity and behavior), disregarding a subjective form in the process of construction of the identity of the subject. . However, it is also an expression in the fluency and / or multiplication of a language to identify or not the gender binary libraries (Man and Woman) as a non-binary subject. Framing as a subjectivity of Orlando is represented in the construction of the multiple identities of genres performed by him in the novel.
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