This work has the general objective of examining the indigenous, African and Portuguese influences on the names of streets in Prainha/PA. The research corpus were ten streets in the Center neighborhood of the city examined, as they were the first streets formed with the founding of the city. This is a qualitative and documentary analysis research to obtain insights into the lexical, morphological and semantic motivations of the toponyms analyzed, using lexicographic-toponymic records as primary sources. Our work identified that toponyms are the result of the prevalence of anthropotoponyms in street names can be attributed to the practice of honoring individuals who have made significant contributions to society, whether on a local, regional or national scale. Therefore, through careful analysis of the results, it is clear that the act of naming is not a random occurrence. There is a driving force behind this, which gives rise to cultural significance in the historical origins of streets, cities, squares, neighborhoods and alleys, which still remains evident in current times.
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