



Interaction;, Society, Language, Sociolinguistics


In the 20th century, Ferdinand de Saussure's writings established the foundations of Modern Linguistics, introducing perspectives that focused on linguistic homogeneity, central to Structuralism. This structuralist approach concentrated on the idea that languages function as stable and homogeneous systems. However, over time, new approaches emerged that led to a broader understanding of linguistic heterogeneity and variation. These new perspectives, centered on Functionalism, recognize that languages are dynamic and diverse, reflecting a range of variations and social influences. Consequently, efforts were made to understand how variation is socially regulated, contributing to the development of Sociolinguistics, especially from the 1960s onward. Within this context, the aim of this paper is to present the trajectory of linguistic studies and highlight the main contributions to the development of the field of Sociolinguistics, drawing on the work of Eckert (2005, 2010, 2016, 2018) and Freitag (2016), among others. The historical and theoretical analysis shows that Sociolinguistics is related to the understanding of language as a social phenomenon, shaped by cultural interactions. This paper examines how social fact, linguistic variation, interaction in communities of practice, and stylistics are linked to the construction of social identities from a sociolinguistic perspective. It concludes that Sociolinguistics is a field of study that reflects social demands, and the wave model of study provides insight into its evolution and offers reflections on the intersection between language, identity, and society.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA ATANASIO, L. (2024). TEIAS LINGUÍSTICAS: INFLUÊNCIAS TEÓRICAS E METODOLÓGICAS DA SOCIOLINGUÍSTICA. Porto Das Letras, 10(Especial), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.20873.24.sl.15