



This text analyzes RESOLUTION No. 16/CONSUNI/UFFS/2019, which establishes PRO-IMMIGRANT at UFFS, and NOTICE No. 657/GR/UFFS/2023 of the program's special selection process. For the analysis, we carried out a comparison between the documents, in order to observe conformities and contradictions, especially with regard to the guidelines and objectives of PRÓ-IMIGRANT and the evaluation and selection criteria of the Notice. The choice for the resolution is because it is a document that plays an important role on the meanings that are produced about (im)migrants in the university space and on the conception of reception that is produced and effective in that space, while the choice for the notice is as it is a document specifically intended for PRO-IMMIGRANTS, and must be in accordance with the provisions of the resolution, also because it is the most recent admission notice for the program, valid for entry into the first and second academic semesters of 2024. We anchor it on the contributions of Derrida on hospitality and in the studies of Da Rosa (2018), Gentilli (2009), Redim and Bertoldo (2021). From the analyses, we understand that the program, despite being created with a view to providing access and permanence to higher education for immigrants, is not free from contradictions, of which the reproduction of the imaginary of immigration justified by work and the requirement of use of the language of the host. Thus, the institution that seeks to promote welcome and opportunities through its admission policy ends up (re)producing discourses of exclusion and practicing conditional hospitality, promoting “inclusive exclusion”.

Author Biographies

Marieli Zanotto, UFFS

Pesquisadora na UFFS.

Jessica Oliveira Pivotto, UFFS

Mestranda em estudos linguísticos na UFFS.


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2024-05-19 — Updated on 2024-05-19


How to Cite

Zanotto, M., & Oliveira Pivotto, J. (2024). O DISCURSO DE ACOLHIMENTO NO PROGRAMA DE ACESSO E PERMANÊNCIA A ESTUDANTES IMIGRANTES DA UFFS. Porto Das Letras, 10(1), 224–241. https://doi.org/10.20873/10.20873-2024-h1-d7