Reduplicação e copy-vowel epenthesis em jogos de linguagem: domínios morfológicos (‘língua do p’) vs domínios fonológicos (‘efeito Alberto Roberto’)


  • Felipe Vital UFRJ



This text expounds over a cross-analysis of two related phenomena, reduplication, which consists of a copy of segments of a base-word in order to fill a RED-morphrme, and eco-epenthesis, which is a copy of segments of a base-word for correcting some phontactic requirements in phonetic surface, in language games or ludlings (Laycock (1972); Bagemihl (1989; 1996)). Empirical evidence that corroborates the arguments proposed by Kawahara (2007) in his typological analysis of these two cited phenomena faced to natural languages will be presented here, positing this work in the favour of ludlings as a good deal of evidence on phonological properties. After fulfilling the first objective, it will be possible to achieve the secondary goal, describing the variant of the brazilian ‘p language’ that presents reduplication, as well as to show a stylistic resource of creation of a character known as Alberto Roberto, which has a specific case of echo-epenthesis.


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How to Cite

Vital, F. (2024). Reduplicação e copy-vowel epenthesis em jogos de linguagem: domínios morfológicos (‘língua do p’) vs domínios fonológicos (‘efeito Alberto Roberto’). Porto Das Letras, 10(4), 144–167.