The name of places in Brazilian Sign Language and an analysis of two cities in the Marajó Archipelago
The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze two types of toponymic signs about two places in the Marajoara Archipelago: Breves and Soure; the signs are classified according to the characteristics defined in the LSB toponymy studies. The present work is based on the studies by Souza Júnior (2012) about the Nomenclature of Places in Brazilian Sign Language from the perspective of Toponymy by Signs. The methodology of our work is based on the studies of Dick (1990); and data analysis was based on two toponyms of cities in the Marajó Archipelago. Each sign received a lexicographic-toponymic form and the data were validated by some members of the Deaf Communities of Marajó and a deaf teacher who speaks LSB. This research has results: the process of creating a signal is not done anyway; there are important singularities that need to be studied and deepened. It is concluded that: there are important studies in the area of toponymy that need to be studied; the sign is not created in any way, it has many peculiarities and these need to be researched and analyzed, as they bring stories and cultures from society, especially from Marajó.
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