O gato e a morte medo e terror em O gato preto e A máscara da morte vermelha, de Edgar Allan Poe



In Edgar Allan Poe’s literary work, it is common to come across themes linked to the dark, to the unknown that leads to horror, and to the fear, as of mysterious facts as of ghosts from another world. David Punter (2013) and Maria Antónia Lima (2000) support us to understand how the fear and the death, as well as the fear of the death, incorporate the Gothic and assist in creating a horror atmosphere, that is easily found in both shot stories. Benjamin Fisher (2008) and J. Gerald Kennedy (2001) help us regarding to the production context of the author and some characteristics of his work, specifically the short stories here presented. In “The Black Cat” (1843) and “The Mask of the Red Death” (1842), the death is considered through two images, the cat in the former, and the ghostly sight in the latter, regarding to the characters fear of the death and its consequences.

Keywords: cat; death; fear; Gothic; Edgar Allan Poe.


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FISHER, Benjamim F. The Cambridge Introduction to Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

KENNEDY, J. Gerald (ed). A Historical Guide to Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

LIMA, Maria Antónia. Brown, Poe, Hawthorne e Melville: terror na literatura norte-americana. 2000. v. 1. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade de Évora. Évora, 2000.

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PUNTER, David. The literature of terror: a history of gothic fictions 1765 to the present day. v. 2. New York: Routledge, 2013.

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How to Cite

Mackowiak, M. L., & Menon, M. C. (2022). O gato e a morte medo e terror em O gato preto e A máscara da morte vermelha, de Edgar Allan Poe. Porto Das Letras, 8(4), 364–374. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/13957