In 1938, the writer Graciliano Ramos publishes the work entitled Vidas Secas which it fits into the regionalist prose of the second phase of Brazilian Modernism, highlighting the life of migrants and non-human animals in through long periods of drought. In this context, this research aims to investigate, under the method of Discourse Analysis of French Line and the Zoocritical perspective - which studies the overlaps between Literature and animals -, the relationships of the human animal with the non-human animal present in the work under examination, also dialoguing with the environment, society and culture, tracing, thus, representations of the sertanejo and of the sertão. Given the above, the speeches of the characters in the above work demonstrate the animality of the human in some moments of the narrative and, in others, the sentience of the non-human animal, more precisely of the "Whale dog", which presents evoked feelings and emotions literally. Therefore, Zoocritics constitutes an area of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, providing a useful tool for understanding the relationships between humans and non-human animals in a holistic dynamic and, therefore, seeking an integral vision, bringing the whole closer to the parts and parts as a whole. In this direction, the present manuscript is launched as an important substrate in the interpretation of human-non-human-environment relations, which may awaken new perceptions and analyzes in light of this ebullient theme.
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