Language and its changes from a interactionist and discursive perspective



This article aims to mobilize a rethinking about the conception of language through the contribution of the Interactionist Project in Language Acquisition with De Lemos and its unfolding for the Pathology of Language with Lier-De Vitto, Arantes among others, as well as discourse analysis (hereinafter AD). Thus, reconfiguring meanings about the concept of language and its alteration/deviation and, consequently, of subject, since both theories approach these meanings, because they argue that the subject is constituted in/by language, and this is not seen as a mere communication instrument, but as the functioning of discursive processes. All this will be analyzed in the light of the Analysis of the Discourse of french line, proposed by Pêcheux and affiliates, and, in Brazil, by Orlandi and followers and by the Interactionist Project in Language Acquisition with De Lemos and scholars of theory, these on what the symptomatic speeches are about. With the readings and analyses, it was verified as interpretation management that the effects of meaning on language and its alterations can be re-signifies, breaking with crystallized discourses.

Keywords: Language. Alteration/ Language Disorder. Interactionist Language Acquisition Project. Analysis of the French Discourse.


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How to Cite

Souza, A., & Azevedo, N. . (2021). Language and its changes from a interactionist and discursive perspective. Porto Das Letras, 8(1), 9–24. Retrieved from