

Reading. Literary Literacy. Humanization


Abstract: This work aimed to investigate the benefits of approaching of literary texts by literary literacy in the school in search of critical training for readers: individuals able of reflecting on their condition as being in the world, being for the other one and consequently on the humanization provided through this reflection. It adopted for the methodology of bibliographic research with a qualitative approach to address the theme “reading and literary literacy” using the literary narrative based on the premise that it is the closest thing to the human experience experienced daily. The formation of readers that it is not based on the critical and significant formation of the subjects tends to fragment and disengage them of reading in relation to the socio-political-economic themes to which they belong. The uncritical approach to literary works corroborates both the perpetuation of historically established homogenizations and social chains and it makes impossible of providing readers with critical literacy on these archetypes, and consequently delegitimizing the humanizing capacity of which the reading of the literary text exhibits. The work showed, among other things, that literary literacy applied to the formation of readers in the school environment gives to the students the opportunity to build new meanings about the text and to humanize themselves through this contact.


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How to Cite

Prado, M. C. A. do. (2022). READING AND HUMANIZATION: LITERARY LITERACY AND THE CRITICAL APPROACH TO LITERATURE. Porto Das Letras, 8(Especial), 166–184. Retrieved from