
  • Mateus Dagios UFRGS


disease, madness, tragedy, Ajax, Sophocles


Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the relationship between disease and madness in Sophocles’s Ajax, mapping and analyzing the vocabulary around disease (nosos) in this fifth-century B.C. tragedy. Greek tragedy was a ritualistic event with civic dimensions. It employed mythical plots and addressed matters which were important for the polis. The vocabulary used by tragic poets included several spheres, such as religious terms and vocabulary related to the political institutions and processes. Disease terminology was used to convey imbalances between the hero and their social environment. Beyond a physical issue, disease was employed in a discursive network which developed representations about health, the sick and the community. Ajax describes not only physical illness, but the social effects of madness and Greek perspectives about disease. This paper examines disease and madness in Ancient Greece through an analysis of the meaning of the hero’s disease in Ajax as well as of the available perspectives about nosos.

Author Biography

Mateus Dagios, UFRGS

Doutor em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. E-mail: mateusdagios@yahoo.com.br



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How to Cite

Dagios, M. (2021). DISEASE AND MADNESS IN SOPHOCLES’S AJAX. Porto Das Letras, 7(2), 218–235. Retrieved from https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/portodasletras/article/view/11561



Discurso, doença, risco