Brazil, a sick country

scientific racism at the end of the 19th century


  • Ana Cláudia Fabre Eltermann UFSC


Racism; Social evolutionism; XIX century; Medicine.


In this article, we aim to discuss the relation between race and disease in the speeches of intellectuals at the end of the 19th century in Brazil. Therefore, we intend to look, especially, at the speeches of the medical-scientists of the period, who sought to relate supposed diseases of the country with races and miscegenation. The period was marked by ratio-biological discourses, based on the theory of social evolutionism, which sought to hierarchize the races from different categories, such as civilized / primitive, evolved / backward, perfect / defective. Because of this, the black and the mestizo were considered, thus, factors that led to the degeneration - physical, mental and cultural - of the Brazilian population. As Brazil was considered a mestizo nation, these speeches ended up moving from the individual to society, so that the nation was also thought through racial categories. With this study, we intend to show how Brazilian science contributed to the maintenance and reproduction of racism, at different levels.


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How to Cite

Fabre Eltermann, A. C. (2021). Brazil, a sick country: scientific racism at the end of the 19th century. Porto Das Letras, 7(2), 44–63. Retrieved from



Discurso, doença, risco