Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle, Feminismo, Romance Policial, Escândalo na BoêmiaAbstract
Sherlock Holmes' figure is known worldwide and has long been represented in reinterpretations and translations for the audiovisual medium. Both the original work and its adaptations reflect the society in which they were created. This line of thought guides this article in the comparative analysis between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's original 19th-century short story “A Scandal in Bohemia” and its television translation for the BBC series Sherlock, in the episode “A Scandal in Belgravia”, now in the 21st century. The main elements to be compared are the female representation in the three main characters of the chosen productions (Irene Adler, Molly Hooper, and Mrs. Hudson) and whether they represent social stereotypes at both points in the timeline. For this, Beauvoir (1967), Massi (2011), and Stanković (2008) were used as the main theoretical foundation. In the dialogue between theory and object, it was sought to answer the questions asked at the beginning of the research, the main one being the definition of the convergences and divergences between the versions of the characters from the original story and the television series. In terms of final considerations, it was understood that there is indeed the stereotyping of the characters chosen in both situations and that these representations are befitting with the evolution of the popular feminist discourse and the zeitgeist (spirit of the time) in which they were created, even though they are both linked to Doyle's original work.
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