Literature, politics and social reality:

the social function of the Brazilian modern state in times of crisis


  • Lavoisier Almeida dos Santos Universidade Federal de Alagoas


Nationalism; State; Literature; Resistance.


This paper aims to reflect on the social function of the Brazilian modern State and its nationalist discourse in times of economic and social crisis. It also analyzes the possibilities of resistance to this discourse through a societal horizon that resists and overcomes the current antagonistic system of production and reproduction of social relations of the Brazilian people. This is done based on Brazilian pre-modern literature, Peuchetian discourse analysis, historical-dialectical materialism and the local political reality — amidst of the 2016 legal-parliamentary coup. It is pointed out that the true social function of the modern state is to guarantee the maintenance of the status quo of the society of capital. In other words, to safeguard the success of a group of individuals in relation to the others — the economic, perverse and cruel exploitation of one man over another. And, in the Brazilian case, the nationalist discourse is summoned for this expropriation process to happen in harmony. The article further presents that literature, culture and art are certainly not the immediate solution to the economic, political and social crisis that accompanies Brazil from the Monarchy to the Republic However, they can certainly intervene as potential elements of mediation for the construction of the true national type: a project that aims the resistance to the Brazilian state pseudo-nationalism.


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How to Cite

Santos, L. A. dos. (2021). Literature, politics and social reality:: the social function of the Brazilian modern state in times of crisis. Porto Das Letras, 7(Especial), 75–101. Retrieved from



Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e de Língua Inglesa, Cultura e Política