Uma leitura das personagens femininas em “Não verás país nenhum”, de Ignácio de Loyola Brandão.


  • Rafaela Moreira Rodrigues UFF


Literatura; Mulheres; Representação; Identidade; Percepção


This article promotes a reflection about the female characters of the book "And still the earth", a novel by Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, making observations regarding the concepts of "identity", "representation", and "perception", pointing out the fact that these subjects are more intricate and paradoxical than they seem. The main point is to analyze how women are depicted throughout the book, their social role, and the development of female identity within the narrative, since their silent or their speech reveals how much they accept the authoritarianism. The novels are games of exclusion, restriction or reinforce of certain ideas, as stated by Michael Foucault, and it's up to the author to insert the literary language in the non literary (and vice versa). Consequently, it is possible to glimpse the influence of patriarchy in the book, not only through what is written, but through practices that support certain "truths" that make the characters get used to the rules and mores set, reproducing them over time. Literature has an indispensable political and social function, because it shows the latent issues of the human societies, besides fomenting reflections about certain times in history and encouraging the critical and reflective thinking. Therefore, literary texts are the raw material to study issues, such as gender equality.



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How to Cite

Rodrigues, R. M. . (2021). VERÁS MULHERES NESSE PAÍS? Uma leitura das personagens femininas em “Não verás país nenhum”, de Ignácio de Loyola Brandão . Porto Das Letras, 7(Especial), 150–166. Retrieved from



Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e de Língua Inglesa, Cultura e Política