Feminismo negro
uma perspectiva do discurso ideológico na desigualdade histórica da mulher negra
Análise do Discurso; Dominação Patriarcal; Mulher Negra; Feminismo Negro; Interseccionalidade.Abstract
The situation of women and black people in Brazilian society carries a historical burden of suffering and comprehensive social neglect. A society surrounded by a patriarchal and racist domination that places women as an adjunct in social relations and men as the dominant voice and command in those relations. Based on feminist assumptions, we saw the need for a struggle that not only includes women as owners of themselves and their wills, but also as owners of their ethnicity and culture - Black feminism. Beginning with this need, I will follow the path of reflections by activist authors such as Simone de Beauvoir, Djamila Ribeiro and the philosopher Michel Foucault; for linguistic considerations, from the discursive field, I will present theories by Michel Pêcheux, Fernanda Mussalim and Eni Orlandi. Faced with these discursive assumptions I will use ideological language as a strong constituent of Black women's social identities and social relations. This reflection will be based on the discursive analysis in dialogues of the series Malhação Viva a Diferença (Live the Difference), broadcast on Rede Globo from 2017 to 2018.
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