João Gilberto Noll; Pretinha fumegando; Relações amorosas.Abstract
Abstract: This paper aims to perform a lecture of the short story “Pretinha fumegando”, de João Gilberto Noll, upon the perspective of loving relationships. Amid this discussion, uncertainness, disappointments, and discoveries of the loving point of view and from the critical point of view appear on the representation of woman in the tale under analysis. Therefore, it was used the following authors as theoretical support: Bauman (2004); Ovídio (2006); Giddens (1993); Foucault (1995); Barthes (2003); Kristeva (1988) and Platão (2012). Moreover, this bibliographic investigation uses the interpretivist deductive approach, corroborating with other research in the field of literature. Finally, regarding to the analysis, it can be said that, during the tale, the main character remained in a kind of social inertia, as well as in a in a loving disillusion which motivated memories in tones of revolt, but, on the other hand, she intensely desired loving passion regardless the loving object.
Keywords: João Gilberto Noll; Pretinha fumegando; Loving relationships.
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