
  • Tiago Marques Luiz UEMS


Theater, Television, Adaptation, The Taming of the Shrew, Malhação: Sonhos., . Malhação: Sonhos


Shakespeare's works have been published in a variety of media, starting from the stage itself to digital media, conquering and captivating a vast number of readers. The relationship between television and theater has been based on the correspondence and appropriation of the second media by the first. Alex Giostri (2018) defines dramaturgy as “the dramatic technique that establishes the principles of construction of a literary work with theatrical, cinematographic or television purposes”. Expanding the concept, Giostri attests that dramaturgy aims to arouse interest in the viewer, through a well-articulated narrative, be it in the present, past or future time, without interference in the action (GIOSTRI, 2018, p. 14). Inserted in the field of Adaptation Studies and in dialogue with Television Studies, this article aims to reflect on the transposition of scenic dramaturgy to television, given the difference and similarity of these semiotic media. For a better presentation of our reflection, we will briefly analyze the Shakespearean comedy The Taming of the Shrew in the television version of Rede Globo Malhação: Sonhos, whose characters Pedro and Karina, represent the attitudes of their precursors Petrucchio and Katherina, but in a new guise - the teen universe.


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How to Cite

Marques Luiz, T. (2021). ADAPTANDO O TEATRO PARA A TELEVISÃO: A MEGERA DOMADA EM MALHAÇÃO SONHOS . Porto Das Letras, 7(3), 425–442. Retrieved from



Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e de Língua Inglesa, Cultura e Política