
  • Gisele Wolkoff Federal Fluminense University UFF
  • Tania Giandoni Wolkoff


Comparativism about addressing different realities that approximate distances present in contemporaneity clarify the importance of the debate about belonging(s), identity(ies) and frontier(s). In this article, we will hereby briefly present the convergent and intersectional product of three research projects that involve contemporary Poetry that represents feminine identity in Ireland, Portugal and Brazil: which are the convergent and divergent themes from 1960 to 2010 in poets that are more and less marginal ?; how do literary practices reposition (national, gender and other categories of) belonging in aesthetics ?; how can we draw confluence/conflowence the way the Caribbean poet Edward Kamau Brathwaite has idealized Poetics in the sphere of Poetic resistance in contemporary cases of transborder mobility ? We conclude that poetic Translation may be the practical reply to issues regarding identity, belonging and the nation.


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How to Cite

Wolkoff, G., & Wolkoff, T. G. . (2020). UMA PASSAGEM POR GEOGRAFIAS CONFLUENTES/CONFLUINTES identificações em questão. Porto Das Letras, 6(4), 88–101. Retrieved from



Literaturas em Língua Inglesa: diversidades essenciais