
  • Loiva Salete Vogt Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/ Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Sonho Americano; Espaço; Tempo; The Great Gatsby.


This article analyzes the novel The Great Gatsby (1925) about the identity construction of the characters in relation to the space-time of the narrative. It is noted that, according to the focalization of the narrator Nick, the protagonist Jay Gatsby incorporates the American Dream which was in the 20s associated with the necessity of material acquisitions. Gatsby adds to this aspect the desire to connect to a pastoral aura through a patriarchal idealized projection upon the character Daisy. Nick realizes the impossibility of the concretization of the Dream because of its disconnection to the discursive materiality which includes the categories of space and time in the narrative. The article presents the argument that the space of the Dream is related to a mythic national past in the same sense that it is projected as an ideal to be achieved in the desired, but unattainable future for Gatsby. There is the realization that the novel uses the category of space associated with an immutable temporality through a system in which the belonging of the characters to geographic locals determines their power relations, molds their potentialities, and determines their identity formations in an irrevocable way in the narrative. Finally, this connection attributes a mystical and metaphysical meaning to their destinies in a process that requires historical repetition in the imagery, which is based on a determined discourse about the American national territory.

Keywords: American Dream; Space; Time; The Great Gatsby.

Author Biography

Loiva Salete Vogt, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul/ Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Doutoranda de Literatura Comparada da UFRGS, Mestre em Letras e Licenciada em Letras: Português, Inglês e Literatura pela mesma universidade. Docente do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Câmpus Feliz.








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How to Cite

Vogt, L. S. (2021). THE GREAT GATSBY: PERSONAGENS, ESPAÇO E O SONHO AMERICANO. Porto Das Letras, 7(especial), 68–79. Retrieved from