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Phobos e Eulabeia em Epicteto




Estoicismo; Medo; Cuidado; Epicteto


We will present the Stoic conception of fear and then see its developments in Epictetus' philosophy, showing that one of the Stoic remedies against fear consists in reassessing indifferent things (which Epictetus brings together under the heading of things that are not under our control (ouk eph'hemin) so as to deal with them not with fear (phobos) but with care (eulabeia), which, as a kind of eupatheia (good emotion), is the rational counterpart of fear.


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How to Cite

Dinucci, A., & Nascimento , J. (2024). Phobos e Eulabeia em Epicteto. Perspectivas, 8(3), 1–14.