A ausência de angústia existencial
existencialismo, angústia, informaçãoAbstract
By understanding what existentialism is, its origin and main representatives, it is possible to highlight the way in which existential questions are raised and experienced and, thus, understand the different ways of positioning oneself in the world. For greater understanding, we used the theories of the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and made a parallel with the writer Clarice Lispector in order to culminate in a reflection on current Western society, with its excess of superficial information and all types of distractions that harm the reflection of the subject about his own situation and the realization of anguish and freedom. We are part of a technological society, where most people have a cell phone with internet access. Through social networks, people can be distracted full time, without the need for questioning or reflection. Inserted in this virtual and artificial reality, they have access to different types of content that lead to alienation in the sense of not perceiving themselves as a situated and free subject. There is no existential anguish because the existential question has not been raised. However, we understand that being existential is due to a certain attitude towards the world, or rather, a way of positioning oneself in the world. And this stance, as we will see, is independent of philosophical training.References
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