Philosophy and the Outside: Foucault and Decolonial Thinking

Foucault e o pensamento decolonial


  • Catherine Malabou



Decolonial thinking, Outside, Philosophy, Poetry, Latin American thought.


This article confronts two ideas of “outside”, that is, two concepts of the outside, as well as two different philosophies and two different concepts of philosophy. Both start from the same problem, namely the fact that “the outside” can only become a philosophical question if it points to a possible outside of philosophy itself. The first concept of "outside" examined comes from Western philosophy and points to a new space of thought that can no longer be called philosophy and which manifests itself, for example, in certain positions of Foucault or Derrida. The second, taken from Latin American thinkers and writers, such as Dussel's figure of the philosophers of the periphery, appears as outside the Western philosophical attempt to produce its own exterior. If some move towards the anonymity of writing, others look to poetry for their own way of telling the world. Are there passages between these two ways of thinking that are knowingly conceived as “outside” philosophy?



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How to Cite

Malabou, C. (2024). Philosophy and the Outside: Foucault and Decolonial Thinking: Foucault e o pensamento decolonial. Perspectivas, 9(1), 1–12.



Homenagem a Catherinne Malabou