La destruction a ses ciseaux de sculpteur – Plasticity and possibility of form in literature (from Catherine Malabou)

Plasticità e possibilità della forma in letteratura (a partire da Catherine Malabou)




Plasticity, Epigenesis of transcendental, Philosophy and literature


The contribution aims to interpret in the light of Catherine Malabou’s thought, and specifically of the intersection between “plasticity” and “epigenesis of the transcendental”, some salient moments of the literary reflection between Kafka, Nabokov, Sebald, Carson. The “destruction of existential presuppositions” will thus be understood as a “condition of possibility” of the narrative form, and the narrative itself will come to be part of a peculiar hypothesis of “heterogenetic morphology”.


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How to Cite

Tedesco, S. (2024). La destruction a ses ciseaux de sculpteur – Plasticity and possibility of form in literature (from Catherine Malabou): Plasticità e possibilità della forma in letteratura (a partire da Catherine Malabou). Perspectivas, 9(1), 234–246.



Homenagem a Catherinne Malabou