Malabou and the impossibility of escaping the outline: the persistence of subjectivity in the ‘philosophy of difference’

a permanência da subjetividade na ‘filosofia da diferença’




Malabou, Metaphysics, Plasticity, Anarchism.


The assumption of an unprecedented identity without a determined origin, nor determining, but which defines subjectivity at a time when philosophy shouts from the rooftops the death of the subject. What does this imply anyway? What is the future of the ‘philosophy of difference’ in the face of a metaphysics that announces itself alive and plastic? What does the maintenance of a contoured subjectivity without fixed traits entail for political thought? How important is it for thought and for the constituted and brittle society of our time to make ourselves – ourselves and others – circumventable, identifiable as subjects, although without destiny, without origin, without mnesic outcome? Would it be enough to bet on the emblem of a new speculative materialism in the face of trends towards a revisited realism? Through an enormous capacity to combine heterogeneous elements within an indispensable contour of the subject's form lies the thread and the path of investigation that this text wants to take from the work of the French philosopher Catherine Malabou and her own path, the most current and in course, Philosophy and anarchism.


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How to Cite

Lafetá , G. (2024). Malabou and the impossibility of escaping the outline: the persistence of subjectivity in the ‘philosophy of difference’: a permanência da subjetividade na ‘filosofia da diferença’. Perspectivas, 9(1), 57–78.



Homenagem a Catherinne Malabou