Catherine Malabou in the French anti-Hegelian context




Malabou, Hegel, Plasticity, Post-structuralism


This article investigates a little of Catherine Malabou's intellectual trajectory. Guided by Derrida in her doctorate, a declared anti-Hegelian, this did not prevent her from defending a thesis precisely about Hegel. It is clear that Hegel has survived in Malabou's works especially because of the concept of plasticity, and this has renewed, together with the work of other Hegelians, the history of Hegelianism.


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How to Cite

Paes Rodrigues, R. (2024). Catherine Malabou in the French anti-Hegelian context. Perspectivas, 9(1), 204–233.



Homenagem a Catherinne Malabou