Antagonisms of the Hippocratic imperatives?




Covid nineteen, Citizen masses, Doctor, Politics, Health


The aim of this paper, which examines the issue of what is at stake in health for existence, is to reveal how the medical profession's medical obligation, constrained by the hegemony of the political state's medical policy, generates reasonable national-universal state-hyppocratic medical progress. The aim is, from its start, to analyze the singular characteristics of the two universes, in order to highlight the implications of their innate contradictory logics. It then goes on to underline that the only way to legitimize and dignify the hyppocratic perception of health is through the constant instruction of state responsibility. It concludes by highlighting the paradoxical fruitfulness of the medical-political antagonism. It follows that failure to observe their respective biological essences always carries with it the possibility of generating tensions, threats and hostilities, involving calls to order and reprisals, whether prejudicial or assumed. Any sovereign state will always be the source of legitimacy for the Hippocratic oath, which in its historical form has no binding universal legal value. Any doctor can only be bound by particular state codes that are constantly being adapted. Thus, ordinary and Hippocratic medical boundaries cannot be un-sanctuarised for politics, in relation to the primacy of the hegemony of state responsibility.


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How to Cite

Sawadogo, S. (2024). Antagonisms of the Hippocratic imperatives?. Perspectivas, 9(1), 325–355.