A sociabilidade e o interesse empírico pelo belo em Kant





sociability; beaty; society; Kant.


This article aims to present the Kantian conception of empirical beauty and its contribution to the human way of civilizing. The first point of the article is to contextualize the interest in empirical beauty by pointing out the conception of aesthetic judgment and beauty in Kant in order to contextualize the Kantian approach to aesthetic elements in the work Critique of the Power of Judgment (1790). The second section introduces the characteristics of the process of human sociability, bringing in notions such as sensus communis and communicability. The third point tries to present an interconnection between the process of sociability in Kant, exposed by the third Critique, and other Kantian texts which deal with history and anthropology. Based on this comparative relationship, the article shows to what extent human sociability is improved by an interest in the empirically beautiful and how this interest contributes to the formation of a civilized society.


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How to Cite

de Farias Mesquita, J. (2024). A sociabilidade e o interesse empírico pelo belo em Kant. Perspectivas, 8(3), 140–156. https://doi.org/10.20873/rpv8n3-92