The fragmented democracy in Mozambique and the voting trends of the State employee and “non-employee population”




Democracy, Mozambique, Fear, State, Vote


This article aims to make a philosophical and historical comparison between the democratic theories of Thomas Hobbes and Norberto Bobbio with the democratic regime in Mozambique and the trends in the vote of state officials and the general population. The article is based on the concepts of democracy, state, fear and voting. In the work entitled “African philosophy: from independence to freedom” published in 2014, the Mozambican philosopher shows the idea that there was no participation of the Mozambican people in choosing the political system that he thought was best. But once it was the elite that chose the political and economic system for themselves. Ngoenha states that in colonial times, the participation of Mozambicans in carrying out major projects for Mozambique was passive. Even in the era of Mozambique's independence in 1974, this participation remained passive. Ngoenha questions what was at stake in these States and responds by evoking the role of the subject in history in the creation of democracy in Mozambique “we were not asked how we saw the future”. The idea of ​​democracy in Mozambique was created with a different perspective than that of Thomas Hobbes and Norberto Bobbio.


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How to Cite

Taperero Fernando, C. (2023). The fragmented democracy in Mozambique and the voting trends of the State employee and “non-employee population”. Perspectivas, 8(2 (Especial), 4–16.



Dossiê A democracia em um mundo de tensões