Justice, Justification, and Democracy in Rainer Forst’s Critical Theory





Justice, Justification, Democracy, Critical Theory, Rainer Forst


This article aims to present the relationship between justice and democracy based on Rainer Forst’s critical theory, thought of as normative contexts of justification and as a critique of arbitrary power relations. In a first moment, it presents the normative contexts of justice and justification and, in a second moment, the relationship of democracy with the contexts of justification and with the critique of arbitrary power. The fundamental thesis of this exposition is that a successful democracy is one that respects the normative plans of justification having as premises the individual as a (i) moral person holder of universal human rights, (ii) ethical person capable of tracing his life plans and having respected their cosmovisions and cultural bindings with their context of good life, (iii) person of right in which inviolable fundamental rights, political rights and social rights are guaranteed, (iv) political person understood as citizens capable of to be authors and co-authors of the decisions that concern them, guaranteeing them the right to participation and justification that implies a dynamic of giving and asking for reasons about their pretensions and the pretensions of their interaction partners.


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How to Cite

Guedes de Lima, F. J., & Maciel do Nascimento, L. (2023). Justice, Justification, and Democracy in Rainer Forst’s Critical Theory. Perspectivas, 8(2 (Especial), 55–84. https://doi.org/10.20873.rpv8n2-74



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