Thinking democracy with Jacques Rancière




Democracia, Jacques Rancière, Político, Democracia Brasileira, Ódio à democracia


Thinking about the radical nature and effectiveness of democracy in a country like Brazil is an arduous and complex task, that certainly goes beyond the scope of an article, or even several. Some notes, however, seem to be necessary in the current context in which, once again, the ghost of authoritarianism has become real and has once again shown its bloody and destructive face. In this study, we invite the French philosopher Jacques Rancière for an interlocution about the meaning and the challenges of democracy in the 21st century. First, how we can understand and how we can face the hatred that historically provokes.

Author Biography

Oneide Perius, UFT

Professor Adjunto II no colegiado de Filosofia da UFT


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How to Cite

Perius, O., & Caires Correia, F. (2023). Thinking democracy with Jacques Rancière. Perspectivas, 8(2 (Especial), 147–159.



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