A democracia e o espírito de igualdade segundo Montesquieu





Montesquieu. Democracia. Igualdade. O espírito das leis.


In his analysis of the typology of governments in The spirit of the laws, Montesquieu delimits, precisely in Chapter I, of the Second Book that “there are three types of government: the Republic, the Monarchical and Despotic”; through such delimitation, the thinker from Bordeaux establishes an examination regarding “the nature and principle” of each of these forms of government. Following this delimitation, the republican form of government can be configured in two modalities: the “democratic republic” and the “aristocratic republic”. With regard to the first modality, Montesquieu carries out and investigation about Democracy and its close relationship with equality. At the same time, it sheds light on the danger of the “spirit of extreme equality” in Democracy. Considering the aforementioned ideas about Democracy, this article will have two main objectives: first, to analyze the “theory of forms of gouvernment”, and, second, to understand and discuss the issue of the “spirit of equality” and the “spirit of extrem equality” in Democracy. Thus, it is expected to value the analysis promoted by Montesquieu about “Democracy” and to provoke a consistente reflection.


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How to Cite

Alves, V. (2024). A democracia e o espírito de igualdade segundo Montesquieu . Perspectivas, 9(1), 356–371. https://doi.org/10.20873-rpvn9v1-17