The wave-particle duality in Niels Bohr's perspective


  • Rodolfo Carvalho Neto UEFS



This paper discusses the Wave-Particle Duality and the Uncertainty Principle, taken to be expressions of a more general idea, of an interpretive nature: the Complementarity Principle, formulated by the Danish physicist Niels Bohr. It is, as we will argue, an anti-realist interpretation that is founded on the objectivity of physics. The impossibility of using simultaneously the laws of conservation of energy and momentum (claim of causality) and space-time coordination will be discussed, analyzing a possible incompatibility of this complementarity with anti-realism. The quantum measurement process is also discussed from a conceptual and epistemological perspective, and also the meaning of Planck’s constant, emphasizing the idea that, in this orthodox interpretation, the state vector, which contains all the information of the system, has a merely epistemic meaning. Thus, in spite of the extraordinary precision with which quantum theory makes it possible to predict and communicate results of a measurement in a well-defined experimental context, the theory is not concerned with answering what the quantum object is, in the ontological sense, thus giving it its anti-realistic and, at the same time, objective aspect.




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How to Cite

Carvalho Neto, R. (2023). The wave-particle duality in Niels Bohr’s perspective . Perspectivas, 7(2), 218–232.



Dossiê Filosofia da Física