Space and Time in Quantum Physics

The Becoming




The concepts of absolute space and time, independent of each other, were proposed by Newton as the most basic foundations of classical mechanics. Some scholars, such as Leibniz, have admitted that there is some interconnection between space and time. In the last century, due to the incredible improvement of physical instruments for observation at different scales, changes took place. With relativity, the concept of space-time was proposed, a linear relationship between space and time.

With quantum mechanics, thanks to Niels Bohr, things changed radically. In the Copenhagen interpretation, the concepts of space and time lose their ontic nature. Due to the Fourier ontology, an implicit postulate of quantum mechanics, any physical entity is assumed to exist in all space and all time. Furthermore, a strange phenomenon is predicted: the tunnel effect, which allows (according to some authors) the transmission of information in zero time.

These facts indicate that, possibly, the concepts of space and time (chronological), interrelated, may not have the supposed absolute and universal adequacy, in different scales of observation and different levels of description of reality. In this more general conceptual universe, the most basic ontic concept is Becoming, the permanent change of physical beings.


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How to Cite

Nunes Ramalho Croca, J. (2023). Space and Time in Quantum Physics: The Becoming. Perspectivas, 7(2), 156–173.



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