Algumas questões interpretativas sobre a species e o objeto do conhecimento humano em Tomás de Aquino




The Middle Ages can be characterized as a philosophical period of intense debate on philosophical and theological issues. Thus, at this historical moment, several quarrels flourished, the best known being the question about the problem of universals. However, in the Middle Ages there are countless other quarrels and theoretical debates. In this sense, the problem about the gnosiological function of the species and the concept in Thomas Aquinas's theory of cognition is a notorious example of these disputes. This article will address two interpretations of the theory of the act of knowledge in Aquinas: Direct Realism and Representationalism.


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How to Cite

Janunzi Neto, A. (2023). Algumas questões interpretativas sobre a species e o objeto do conhecimento humano em Tomás de Aquino. Perspectivas, 7(2), 312–329.