Adorno againt Nietzsche?

How do Adorno was a good Nietzsche reader


  • Wesley Barbosa UFES



This article seeks to bring Adorno closer to Nietzsche, not by exalting resentments and nitpicking, but rather by dialoguing aspects of their criticism of an egalitarian culture that forms a fallen and violent humanity, in addition to being docile and uncritical. As a reader of Nietzsche, Adorno was right to indicate the processes of social leveling promoted by contemporary economic societies. As well as its instrumental rationalization that culminated in barbarism(1939-1945). We will expose a critique that seeks to reduce the authors' stereotypes, bringing Nietzsche's social closer and Adorno's individual subject closer together. In the end, we will try to demonstrate how the concept of solidarity in Adorno does not better solve the ethical issue, than evaluation as a value for the construction of values, with Nietzsche's immoralist proposition being much more a provocative resource than a fundamental assertion.



How to Cite

Barbosa, W. (2021). Adorno againt Nietzsche? : How do Adorno was a good Nietzsche reader . Perspectivas, 6(2), 479–513.

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