The private/public report at Hannah Arendt and Eric Weil


  • Patrice Canivez Université de Lille



The relationship between private and public is thematized by Hannah Arendt and by Eric Weil under different angles. Our interest is to find in the way the authors elaborate the problems of the private-public relation, some proposals to understand the modern situation of the individual. The relation between private and public is thematized by Hannah Arendt and by Eric Weil under different angles. Our interest is to find in the way in which the authors elaborate the problems of the private-public relation, some propositions to understand the modern situation of the individual. The confrontation of Arendt's phenomenology and Weil's reflexive and formal philosophy leads us to glimpse the problem of the relation of reflection to the concrete, which in this case is that of life in the state: the methodological problem is linked to the political problem.



How to Cite

Canivez, P. (2021). The private/public report at Hannah Arendt and Eric Weil. Perspectivas, 6(2), 245–275.



Dossiê Hannah Arendt: "Pensar o que estamos fazendo"