Ontologia da relação em A ideologia alemã de Karl Marx





In this article we want to reflect about relationship ontology in the Karl Marx’s thought. Our starting point is the work The German Ideology. In Marxist philosophy, ontology comes up of daily life, the subject with his relations get out of second plane and comes to the fore in history. Here man is seen as a sensitive activity, and that means seeing him as a mixture of theory and praxis, with real life, or practice, as the constitutive foundation of the theory, and not the other way around.



How to Cite

Alves de Souza, K. T. ., & Araújo de Medeiros, E. . (2021). Ontologia da relação em A ideologia alemã de Karl Marx. Perspectivas, 6(1), 244–256. https://doi.org/10.20873/rpv6n1-95

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