A Bíblia e a literatura

O símbolo como cortejo entre o sagrado e o secular


  • Roberto Antonio Penedo do Amaral




The essay seeks to problematize the Symbol as the element that establishes the
flirtation between the sacred and the secular, both in scripture and in reading the Bible, by
tensioning its predominantly sacred prevalence with its irrefutable humanistic and literary
aspect. The theoretical foundation is based on the research path of the French thinker Gilbert
Durand (1921-2012) on the symbol and the imaginary, as well as the denunciation he makes of
what he calls the symbolic emptying of Western thought; and on the studies of literary critics
John B. Gabel, Charles B. Wheeler, Northrop Frye (1912-1991), Robert Alter and Frank
Kermode (1919-2010) about the relationship between the Bible and literature.



How to Cite

Penedo do Amaral, R. A. (2021). A Bíblia e a literatura: O símbolo como cortejo entre o sagrado e o secular. Perspectivas, 5(2), 116–137. https://doi.org/10.20873/rpv5n2-77

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