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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The text must be in Portuguese, Italian, English, French or Spanish. In the case of texts in a language other than Portuguese, an abstract and keywords in Portuguese will be required.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines.
  • The text uses Times New Roman font size 12; 1.5 line spacing; has permission from legal owners for the reproduction of all images contained in the submission.
  • The author provides the following registration information: academic affiliation. academic degree, and ORCID.

Author Guidelines


Perspectives has a code of publication ethics that follows the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) standards of good practice:

1. Publication Decision: decision may rely on the decision of the other editors and reviewers in double-revivew and blind-review processes;
2. Fair Play: the scientific/intellectual content makes no distinction of any kind between authors or their political positioning; 
3. Confidentiality: the journal does not disclose any of the authors' data, preserving their records, except when authorized by the author.
4. Conflicts of interest: editors, reviewers and authors should not make any judgments when there is a conflict of interest with the journal. Insider information, false or plagiarism are not admitted by Perspectivas, as well as practices that violate the previous assumptions or the civil/penal legislation in force in Brazil.



The Word Editor for Windows must be used, following the configuration:

  • Arial font size 12, paper size A-4, 1.5 line spacing, all margins 2.5 cm;
  • Title in bold and centered. Subtitle in bold and centered;
  • Abstract in single spaced, no spacing before or after;
  • Citation in highlight (more than three lines), Arial font, font size 10, 1.0 line spacing, indent the left side by 4 cm;
  • Paragraph indented by 1.25 cm to the left side, 1.5 line spacing and no spacing before or after.



Bibliographic references must be made in the body of the text in the format (AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, YEAR, p.).

Explanatory notes must come in footnotes.

Complete bibliographic references must be listed at the end of the article in the following format:

  1. Book: SURNAME, First Name (abbreviated). Title in italics: subtitle. Edition number, if not the first. Place of publication: name of the publisher, year.
  2. Collection: SURNAME, First Name (abbreviated). Title of the essay. In: SURNAME, Name (abbreviated) of the organizer(s). Title of the collection in italics: subtitle. Edition number, if not the first. Place of publication: name of publisher, year.
  3.  Journal article: SURNAME, First name (abbreviated). Title of article. Journal name in italics, place of publication, volume and journal number, year. Article page range, period of Publication. 
  4. Dissertations and theses: SURNAME, First name (abbreviated). Title in Italic. Local. total number of pages. Academic degree and area of studies [Dissertation (Masters) or Thesis (Doctorate)]. institution that was sent. year.
  5. Internet (electronic documents): SURNAME, First name (abbreviated). Title in italics, [Online]. year. Availability: access. [access data].

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