INDIVIDUALS, COLLECTIVES AND SOCIABILITIES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS: promoting new forms of inclusion and active job search


  • Teresa Cardoso University of Aveiro - Portugal
  • João Pinto Open University - Portugal


Mots-clés :

Social Networks; Facebook; Sociability; Employability; ”REviver na Rede”.


The digital revolution has instigated the paradigm of the networked society, mediated by technology, with an impact on lifestyles, increasingly more virtual and online, stimulating new forms of sociability between individuals and collectives. In this text, we present a reflection on the relationship between digital social networks, active job search and social inclusion. Moreover, we present the case of the Project “REviver na Rede”, which has been enabling us to conclude that social networks, like Facebook, are valid tools for the integration, socialization and active job search, helping to improve the employability and also the economic and social development of local communities.



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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Teresa Cardoso, University of Aveiro - Portugal

PhD in Didactics (University of Aveiro - Portugal). Assistant Professor at Universidade Aberta - Portugal. 

João Pinto, Open University - Portugal

PhD student in Digital Media-Arts (Open University - Portugal). Collaborating researcher at LE@D, Open University, Portugal.


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Comment citer

CARDOSO, Teresa; PINTO, João. INDIVIDUALS, COLLECTIVES AND SOCIABILITIES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS: promoting new forms of inclusion and active job search . Observatoire Journal, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 4, p. a8en, 2020. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2020v6n4a8en. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 déc. 2024.