CONTEMPORARY CONFLICT: The Refugee Category in Brazilian Telejournalism




Refugee, Immigration, Television Journalism, Agenda – Setting, Content analysis


Understanding the complexity of human mobility in the 21st century is necessary not only in the human rights agenda, but in the media. Through a Qualitative Content Analysis referring to five months of the Jornal Nacional and Jornal da Record television newsletters and, later, a four-part Discourse Analysis, it was possible to verify that these media are not careful to differentiate the existing variations within the Migrations, such as refugees, for example, currently leading major conflicts. To theoretically base the study, we used the Communication Theories and the Agenda-Setting hypothesis, as well as the influence of international agencies on the national media agenda and the Social Representations of Serge Moscovici.


KEYWORDS: Refugee; Immigration, Television Journalism, Agenda – Setting, Content analysis.


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Author Biographies

Liege Scremin Mizga, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Mestrado em Migrações, Inter-Etnicidades e Transnacionalismo (FCSH) - Portugal. Graduação em Jornalismo (UNIBRASIL). Graduação em Comunicação Social (ISCSP) – Portugal. E-mail:   

Susana Salvaterra Trovão, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Doutora. Professora catedrática do Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e do Mestrado em Migrações, Inter-Etnicidades e Transnacionalismo (FCSH) - Portugal. E-mail:    


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How to Cite

MIZGA, Liege Scremin; TROVÃO, Susana Salvaterra. CONTEMPORARY CONFLICT: The Refugee Category in Brazilian Telejournalism. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 5, p. 512–535, 2018. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2018v4n5p512. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.