DIGITAL JOURNALISM: Multifacetered research in the development of didactics and production processes


  • Zanei Ramos Barcellos Universidade de Brasília



Jornalismo digital; pesquisa aplicada; multiplataforma; inteligência artificial


The internet is the main source of news for Brazilians, the smartphone is the preferred device for access and social networks have displaced television as a hegemonic medium. Fragmented journalism demands new narratives, vehicle formats, production and distribution processes. The algorithms and systems of artificial intelligence (AI) already perform many tasks, the profession is reconfigured and the teaching of digital journalism needs to keep up with the changes. This article proposes multifaceted applied research as a way to develop narratives, devices, production management systems and didactics capable of following technological developments and training journalists able to research and work in changing environments.


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Author Biography

Zanei Ramos Barcellos, Universidade de Brasília

Doutor em Gestão Urbana, mestre em Administração, bacharel em Comunicação Social – Jornalismo. Professor adjunto de Jornalismo Digital e pesquisador no Departamento de Jornalismo da Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade de Brasília (FAC/UnB). E-mail:;


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How to Cite

BARCELLOS, Zanei Ramos. DIGITAL JOURNALISM: Multifacetered research in the development of didactics and production processes. Observatory Journal, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 3, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2021v7n3a13pt. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.