ONLINE CLASSES: an experience enhanced by covid19


  • Rosemary Lapa de Oliveira Bahia State University



Teacher training, mourning, technologies in education


This is a critical study of an experience of a post-doctoral professor, user and student of digital media, a teacher of distance education who is urged to continue with online classes after the confinement orientation because of COVID19. It is also a critical reflection on the paths of education in Brazil. The research is empirical and its research subject is the researcher herself who dialogues education with the state of mourning, due to the pandemic, thus seeking theoretical anchorage in psychology. In education, it dialogues with political, methodological and technology issues in education. This text points to the fact that education will have to change structurally and methodologically.



Biografia do Autor

Rosemary Lapa de Oliveira, Bahia State University

Post-Doctor and Doctor in Education, Master in Letters and Linguistics, Specialist in Grammar and Text and graduated in Vernacular Letters with English and important literatures. Titular Professor of the Graduate Program of the State of Bahia, Education Research at the Universidade do Futuro e Contemporaneidade PPGUC and Study in Reading and Storytelling –


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Como Citar

OLIVEIRA, Rosemary Lapa de. ONLINE CLASSES: an experience enhanced by covid19. Revista Observatório , [S. l.], v. 7, n. 4, p. a7en, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2021v7n4a7en. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.