ELUM: The Public Communication’s App for Municipal Cultural Indicators


  • Tiago Costa Martins Universidade do Porto
  • Claiton Marques Correa Instituto Federal Farroupilha
  • Fernando Luis Oliveira Instituto Federal Farroupilha
  • Ícaro Lins Iglesias Instituto Federal Farroupilha




Information systems, Cultural policy, Public administration


This article presents the result of the research on the articulation between indicators, cultural policies, public communication, and the allocation of resources carried out by the municipal public administrations in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). In the study, the vision of a propositive science is associated with technological resources that create algorithms and model applications with different functionalities. An algorithm associated with a software was developed: Elum. Therefore, it is reported the research trajectory – in which the accessed data were treated (as indicators) and communicated (as public communication) – in intention to generate a cognitive equivalence between those who have them and those who have a potential interest in understanding them.


Biografia do Autor

Tiago Costa Martins, Universidade do Porto

PhD in Regional Development at University of Santa Cruz do Sul. Professor for undergraduate programs in Public Policies at Federal University of Pampa and Cultural Heritage at Federal University of Santa Maria.

Assistant researcher at Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória - CITCEM, University of Porto, Portugal. tiagomartins@unipampa.edu.br

Claiton Marques Correa, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.Professor for graduate curse in Information System at  Farroupilha Federal Institute. E-mail: claiton.correa@iffarroupilha.edu.br.

Fernando Luis Oliveira, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Federal University of Pelotas. Professor for graduate curse in Information System at  Farroupilha Federal Institute.fernando.oliveira@iffarroupilha.edu.br.

Ícaro Lins Iglesias, Instituto Federal Farroupilha

Master in Education at Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portutal. Professor for graduate curse in Information System at Farroupilha Federal Institute. E-mail: icaro.iglesias@iffarroupilha.edu.br.



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Como Citar

MARTINS, Tiago Costa; CORREA, Claiton Marques; OLIVEIRA, Fernando Luis; IGLESIAS, Ícaro Lins. ELUM: The Public Communication’s App for Municipal Cultural Indicators. Revista Observatório , [S. l.], v. 7, n. 3, p. a11en, 2021. DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2021v7n3a11en. Disponível em: https://sistemas.uft.edu.br/periodicos/index.php/observatorio/article/view/13695. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.